The story follows friends Hedi (Valerie Stoll), Fritzi (Lia von Blarer), Harry (Joel Basman) and Georg (Damian Thüne). Hedi is a sales assistant in the warehouse owned by Fritzis father. During a robbery at the KaDeWe, the two meet and fall in love. Despite considerable social resistance, as well a..The story follows friends Hedi (Valerie Stoll), Fritzi (Lia von Blarer), Harry (Joel Basman) and Georg (Damian Thüne). Hedi is a sales assistant in the warehouse owned by Fritzis father. During a robbery at the KaDeWe, the two meet and fall in love. Despite considerable social resistance, as well as their families’ disapproval, the two very different young women start a relationship. Another unusual alliance is formed when Harry (Joel Basman), the older brother of Fritzi, who is a war veteran and comes back to take over the warehouse, has to confront young clerk Georg (Damian Thüne), in whom Harrys strict father has placed his trust. 《金迷卡迪威第一季》是一部内详导演的欧美剧影片,由朱丽亚·冯·海因茨等担纲主演,金迷卡迪威第一季于2021正式上映,金迷卡迪威第一季同时支持PC和手机在线观看。网站第一时间收集和整理金迷卡迪威第一季的免费完整资源,并第一时间为大家更新金迷卡迪威第一季的最新动态。以上是《金迷卡迪威第一季》的剧情介绍、主演导演介绍以及资源分享,如果你觉《金迷卡迪威第一季》好看,请分享给你的朋友一起观看!详情